NLP Essentials Certification

Develop enhanced communication awareness with Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Essentials Certification sponsored by NFNLP.

Holistic Wellness Practitioners

Embrace techniques to enhance client experience.
Develop powerful tools to reverse negative mind-talk.
Communicate clearly to embrace positive change.
Resolve personal issues with simple techniques.

Words Matter… Thoughts Create… Actions Influence…

N-L-P (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) can be explained as

Neuro – our neurology (nerves, feelings, and emotions) is affected by
Linguistics – the words we see, hear, speak, and think, which create reactions based on
Programming – with the ability to respond, react, and change.


Choose Your Words to Enhance Communication

If you desire the best for clients, patients, and customers, you benefit greatly from expertise in understanding the power of words.

    • Think with Empowerment – self-talk, mindset shifts, positivity
    • Write with Eloquence – blogs, posts, letters, websites, advertising
    • Speak with Emphasis – presentations, podcasts, trainings, discussion
    • Listen with Empathy – clients, customers, associates, students, family, friends

NLP Benefits Everyone Working with People 

NLP offers powerful skills for everyone who works with people and wants to choose words to improve communication and enhance results. This knowledge will greatly benefit how you help others, especially if you are a…

    • Coach
    • Hypnotist
    • Therapist
    • Holistic Professional
    • Medical Professional
    • Teacher or Trainer

NLP Training Offers

The ability to influence minds, actions, and outcomes by developing…

    • Skills to read people more readily by watching, observing, and mirroring.
    • Techniques to establish the critical trust that is needed between the two people.
    • Simple exercises that allow subconscious changes in patterns, habits, and feelings.
    • Processes that empower personal motivation and success.
    • Tools to enhance written communication.

Build Rapport to Promote Rapid Change

Create deeper rapport with clients, friends, customers, audience, and associates.
As we develop the skill of understanding, and embrace the power of words, we…

    • Gain insight into rapid rapport-building skills.
    • Improve thought processes for success.
    • Enhance our powers of perception.
    • Experience important personal shifts.
    • Connect with others more meaningfully.
    • Stay inspired, motivated, and connected.
    • Embrace simple, powerfully helpful techniques.

Do you know the 4 key human traits for understanding?

Learn to read people by understanding their basic human traits and communication styles to become better listeners and communicators. NLP-trained practitioners are observant and aware of the meaning behind the words. As you step into another’s energy to read what is going on with that person intuitively, you truly sense what another is feeling. As you are ever-present in conversation, you connect in ways that facilitate important change work.

Develop your awareness and empathy to…

    • Truly understand how the client is feeling, sensing, or responding.
    • Offer the best ways to help clients to change a habit, pattern, or mindset.
    • Allow clients to sense you are fully present, understanding, and non-judgmental.
    • Make clients feel more comfortable and readily open to change.

Knowing and embracing NLP strategies creates a level of trust that allows clients to respond more openly, helping to redirect their mind-talk more effectively.

Click here to read the blog on how NLP creates trust.

Lois Hermann is an NLP Master / Trainer with NFNLP – National Federation of NLP.
This NLP Essentials Certification Program is certified by the NFNLP.

*Our NLP Essentials Certification is offered once each year. If you are interested, let us know and we will keep you informed.


NLP Graduates Share

“I decided to take this NLP Training because when I took the Energy Clearing & Alignment Training, we used one of the NLP techniques and it made me want to learn more.

The exercises were very interesting and were easy to do, and I think it was a great opportunity to learn more about communicating with others. The class was great. We really interacted with each other which made the class more interesting. The material was laid out in a great way. I thought every week was a great adventure.

I would recommend it to anybody who is interested in self-improvement or helping others.”

Mary Fisher

ECA Master Communicator, Reiki Master Teacher, Massachusetts

“I loved EVERYTHING! This was an amazing training. I want to do MORE!

I wanted to deepen my hypnosis and clinical counseling practice so I could better serve the individuals I work with. This training helped after the first day. It has already improved my clinical private practice and how I work with my little girl here! 

I am usually cognizant of the words I use with my clients, and this honestly helped to make that even smoother. The NLP skills can improve life by making it easier and more fun to interact with others. It also makes it easier to express oneself and give understanding. 

Literally, everybody would benefit from taking this class.”

Christine Free Sabo

Certified Hypnotist, Clinical Counselor, New Hampshire

“I went from being aware to increased awareness. You learn to build rapport with clients, check for sincerity, recognize patterns, and offer a modality to effect a positive change for their highest good. With what you learn, you are able to recognize client’s behaviors in order to promote optimal change to the positive. This class can take you to that level where you experience your own healing shifts. 

People in careers who meet with clients face-to-face will benefit from this training. I recommend all lightworkers, and those in sales, marketing, insurance, real estate agents, and small business practices take this NLP class.”

Melanie Chiu

ECA Master Communicator, Texas

“I think this class was wonderful, the interactions, information, and exercises were extremely valuable. I am so glad that I committed the time to this program. The class brought my awareness to observing body language and reading people to gain a better understanding. I have already experienced personal growth with these exercises and can’t wait to run with them.

I love Lois’s energy and enjoy learning from her. She provided so many tools that it was almost overwhelming. Even though this was an online class, I was delightfully surprised and am very grateful for the positive interaction of the group. I am so excited to use what I’ve learned. It was awesome. I thank you.”

Sharon Edmondson

Master Hypnotherapist, Maryland

“I thought the NLP Training was wonderful. I learned some skills that will help me relate to other people in business situations and personal relationships. I learned how to establish rapport with people in all situations.”

Denise McCalvey

Certified Hypnotist, New Hampshire

“I originally took the class because I work in the health industry and fitness industry and thought it could help me connect with people on their habits, improving their health, their exercise, etc. But I found out that it was a lot more than that. It actually helped me improve a lot of things in communication with my clients, but also in my spiritual clearing work with Lois.

I would recommend that anybody, everybody should take this. If you’re a parent, or a grandparent, it would really help you with your family, and the children to get on their level. I really thought I was a good listener, but I found out that I could improve in many ways on how to listen.”

Sharon Hoffman

Personal Trainer, ECA Master Communicator, Denver, Colorado

“I found that NLP is a tremendous tool. There are so many of exercises that could be used in so many different venues.

I think anybody could benefit from taking this class because it’s about communication, it’s about listening skills, it’s about building rapport and being present, and identifying how to communicate better with people. I found it extremely helpful in so many ways.”

Judy Cook

Clinical Counselor, New Hampshire

“I have always been interested in Neurolinguistic Programming, however, never resonated with someone teaching it until Lois. I always wanted to learn more about being mindful regarding people’s body language and verbal language. The Energy Clearing & Alignment training I took with Lois was wonderful and inspired me to want to learn more.

I really loved the NLP training and was pleasantly surprised at how personal it could be, even though it was virtual. It really felt like it was in person. There was so much that I learned and was an excellent expansion of what I know. I love how organized the class was. Lois created modules with different themes each week. It helped to keep my busy mind focused. It was such a fun class.

NLP is beneficial especially to professionals working in holistic fields and would benefit anybody who is interested in helping people, especially teachers and doctors. So many people don’t understand the power of their own verbal and body language. The more mindful we become of our own linguistics the better rapport we have with each other. I highly recommend this enlightening class.”

Cecilia Thomas, M.Ed., MHt

Counselor, Hypnotist, Energy Professional, Virginia

“The class was a lot of fun. I have taken many classes with Lois and love this one as much as the others. Her teaching style resonates with me because her enthusiasm is contagious. She invites us to experience the exercises which help us benefit from them and remember them. I enjoyed interacting with others in the group and gained much from using and applying the exercises.

The NLP information has such depth and richness to it. It is a lot like learning a new conversational language that comes with continued use. Whether or not you are a hypnotist, you will use these skills and recognize when they are being used on you. You will have the inside track when someone is selling to you, it puts you in a better place when purchasing a big-ticket item. Anyone can take this class and walk away with a lovely toolkit.”

Kathleen Kubacki

Certified Hypnotist, Energy Clearing Master, New York

“As a licensed physical therapy professional, I have benefited from his course in so many ways. Communicating with people who are in pain, by being able to look at them and build rapport with them in ways I hadn’t thought of before.

This is a wonderful training for anyone in the human community can benefit from this because we’re all connected and we all have rapport with each other. It really opened a door for me for inner-standing more aspects of human behavior and how we think and process.

Thank you, Lois, for the way it was presented. It was very succinct and I loved the Zoom classes. The lovely brothers and sisters that I’ve experienced this with have been absolutely stellar.”

Leslie Slauson

Physical Therapist, ECA Master Communicator, New Hampshire

“I knew I needed help with communication skills, but I had no idea the tools that we would be given in this class and the life changing lessons that we’ve learned. 

I feel like a completely different person from the time I started this class. It’s been absolutely wonderful. I think this is what the world needs.”

Tricia Dyer

ECA Master Communicator, Alabama

“My curiosity about NLP led me to take this class. I wanted to learn more about how we think, how our past forms who we are, and how to heal that past.

The training was fabulous! I got so much from the class and loved that we got to share, give, and receive. There were so many hands-on exercises that helped engrain the lessons. I learned how we are programmed with limiting beliefs that condition and affect our mind talk. The techniques have helped me tremendously and will help in my intuitive coaching business.

I absolutely recommend this NLP Training even for people who are just curious and want to use this in their own personal life. I think everyone can benefit from taking this class.”

Cherie Nikosey

Intuitive Alignment Coach & Mentor, Florida

“I have taken several classes with Lois and enjoy her teaching style. I was very impressed with the presentations and all the information that was provided in this NLP training. There were many fascinating techniques presented and scripts that will be valuable to use in the future. I benefited personally from the information and practice sections.

I really liked the way the class was spread apart to give us time to review and build on our skills. In the second session, we were able to ask questions based on how we used the skills we practiced. I have found NLP to be a great way to begin sessions and learned to develop increased rapport with my clients.”

Theresa Kondracki

Certified Hypnotherapist, New Jersey

” I learned new tools to help myself, my family, and my clients to deal with past emotional issues and to achieve new goals.”

Noel Berube

Certified Hypnotist, Massage Therapist, New Hampshire

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